So 9 days left of this camp. My kids are still really well behaved and I´m happy that I have such a good group! A lot of the kids parents have been calling the Spanish monitors and complaining about the stupidest things so everyone is starting to get pretty annoyed. The kids are allowed to stay up till 1am now instead of 1130 because their parents think that they need time to socialize and they are old enough to stay up on there own. Therefore we have kids running everywhere until 1am, which is pretty crazy. Now all the kids are exhausted in the morning and all they want to do is sleep in English classes. It´s funny to see the parents complain this much about pointless things because if this was a camp in Canada we would never listen or care what the parents have to say to this extent. Some of the Canadian monitors are starting to get frustrated with all the craziness but being my second year, I could careless because I expected it! The weather has been beautiful here! It hasn´t rained in a few days and has been super hot. The last 2 days we have been outside with the kids the majority of the time, trying to wear them out. Yesterday all the monitors had the morning off because the staff at the resort did activities with the kids so all of us tanned by the pool then hiked to a little village down the road. The village didn´t have much there but a church and a little super market and souvenir shop but it was beautiful and neat to see! The church is more then 800 years old, we went inside and it was pretty ridiculous that something like that is still standing. Today was the first morning I had to teach my kids alone there English classes.. since I have a group of ALL girls it went really well, they like to just sit and talk to me in English about all sorts of things! Then for games and activities we just sat outside and did hair wraps in there hair, it was pretty chill. Tonight is the Spain vs. Germany game so our schedule is shortened and we are going down to the restaurant again to watch the game on a TV with the kids, so it should be fun! I hope they win so the kids aren´t disappointed!! But anyways, my time is running out on this MASSIVE, ancient computer we now have in the lobby so I´ll write soon!!
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