Today is our first day off since we have been here!! Sorry I haven’t written in awhile but the computer in our lobby broke so the only way to get internet is if this bar down the road is open.. which will probably be more frequently now because more quests start to arrive after today and more things are opening up. This past week has been pretty good with the kids. We had Oscar night with our kids.. the week leading up to it we prepared and made movies with them which is super hard but the Oscar night the kids get to make over all the monitors to go to the Oscars and we watch all the movies and win awards. My movie was really good, everyone loved it and we won Best Make Up, Best Soundtrack and one of my girls won Best Actress I was so proud of her.
Last night we had a disco for the kids last night, it was a lot of fun and this group of kids LOVED to dance! This morning we got them all on the bus and waved goodbye.. of course some of the kids were in tears but as soon as there bus was in the distance we were so happy! Although I’ll defiantly miss some of my kids.. in particular the three boys in group 1 (we often mixed group 1 and 2 together). There was Inigo, Ramon & Jose Maria. Inigo was the cutest most polite kid ever, Jose Maria was so excited to do any activity we threw at him and Ramon was the funniest kid ever who by far could be a comedian now and would make millions, everyday he made us laugh. As for the girls, I loved them all but I had one girl whose name was Laura that always made so much effort to learn English and was always well behaved and listened! Although I’m going to miss them I was defiantly ready for a day off.. all of us were we were slowly going insane.
Tonight there is another torch festival in a village but its just down the mountain a bit.. walking distance. So we are going to watch the people with the torches come down the mountain from our resort in a little gazebo and then head down to the party.. which usually doesn’t get happening till about 2am here anyways! Although, tomorrow the kids don’t arrive till 5pm tomorrow so we can all sleep in!
By the way my ankle is getting better.. I still am wearing a tensor bandage because walking around on it when I have to work and not resting it is obviously not helping the healing process what so ever!
Anyways, I’ll post a few pictures below from the last little while!
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