This past weekend was amazing! All of us went to a village about 10 minute drive away to this festival that they have been doing for 800 years. The festival begins with a giant bonfire at the top of a mountain and a group of men and children run down the mountain with torches lit. The tradition years ago used to be the first men to get to the bottom of the mountain had there first choice in a wife. Although now obviously they just do it for fun.
They had a giant tent set up with entertainment.. which was a random band with this crazy Spanish man who kept coming out in the weirdest costumes like a sexy nurse costume, a bathing suit, long johns, underwear!! It was so strange but so random and hilarious!! They also had a bar there and some stands set up. We met so many local people and we stayed out on Friday until 530am. I´m so happy I had the morning off on Saturday!
It was also very interesting because the people in that village don´t like Spain, they want to be separated from Spain and don´t consider themselves a part of Spain! I tried to ask people why but no one gave me a legit reason! On Saturday a few of us monitors went to the festival again but it wasn’t as fun because I guess Friday is the main night of the festival and not very many people were there at all but it was still nice to get away from the camp a bit! We all feel pretty secluded here and it was nice to see some people!! Tonight is the soccer match against Holland. I am so excited and so are all the kids!! That is all they can think about! It should be crazy to see them react when we are watching the game! I can´t wait! Right now I am on my break but it is raining so hard and I´m exhausted from teaching all morning so I am going to go take a nap! I shall write again soon!!
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