
Day 7

Today the majority of the monitors got the morning off because the resort staff took the kids to go on an adventure. So we decided to walk up the road to a man-made waterfall and climb up it to take pictures!! It was a trek and a half because of the altitude it is so much harder to breathe and the waterfall was about 400 feet up. In the afternoon Lexi and I made our kids trace there bodies and decorate themselves, they loved it! Then we had sports and pool and the kids complained to the max about having to play ultimate Frisbee because they wanted to play basketball and seem to think that Frisbee is for dogs! So once we argued with them for a half hour they finally attempted to play/stand around the field. Then it started to storm and some of the kids went swimming until we decided maybe we shouldn’t let them get struck by lightening and brought them inside to just chill. Anyways, we are about to go watch a movie with them! Tomorrow all the monitors are going to a festival in some nearby village so I´ll let you know how it is. Adios!


Spain Mountains

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